Come Out Of The Drama

Come Out of the Drama The sooner you come out of the drama of the negative experience and get the message that you wanted yourself to receive, the sooner your life will shift into a higher consciousness and...

Your Theme

Your Theme We all have a theme of our life experience. Between the ages of birth and 8 years old, we receive emotional trauma. This is called the “negative imprint”, which shows us one aspect of our theme. At some point, we will have the opportunity to understand the...

We Don’t Earn or Deserve

We Never Earn Or Deserve Anything As delicately as I can…We are only in alignment or not, through our thinking, believing and being, with the frequency or energy of that which we are receiving and what will ultimately be reflected back to us. In the past, I (my...

Accept Me As I Am

“Accept Me As I Am” “You just need to accept me as I am. I’m not going to change. “ Who is the one speaking here? It is only the mind/ego that makes a statement like this. You are not aware that you are being manipulated by your own mind. We all change....

When People Don’t Change

When People Don’t Change Yours is not to assist others to change into something that is more comfortable to you. It is for you to be mindful of your reaction if they do not change. Stop trying to fit others into the mold that fits your beliefs. See everyone as a...

Disappointing Others

Disappointing Others Disappointment is not fulfilling someone’s expectations of you, built upon egoic standards, beliefs and conditions. People disappoint themselves by setting expectations upon other people, to respond in ways that they judge themselves to respond....